by Ervin Crnović | Jun 25, 2020 | Novice
TURA V NEKAJ BESEDAH Ste z vašim gorskim kolesom že popolnoma spoznali Zgornjesavsko dolino. Vabimo vas na gorsko kolesarski vikend v Mojstrano, v katerem vam bomo pokazali, kaj vse vam ponuja Zgornjesavska dolina. Vikend poln lepih doživetij, razgledov, dobre družbe...
by Ervin Crnović | Apr 20, 2019 | Novice
Potica The most traditional Slovenian pastry Christians around the world celebrate the biggest and most important Christian Holiday this weekend. Many Slovenes celebrate it traditionally, with their families and friends, and not to forget a lot of delicious food....
by Ervin Crnović | Mar 4, 2019 | Novice
Butalci Dimwits of Butale take over control. Butalci (Dimwits) of Butale (Dimland) have taken over the streets of Cerknica on Sunday. As one can expect, Dimwits tend to be extremely punctual therefore the parade began exactly around 12.32 local time (i.e. one hour...
by Ervin Crnović | Mar 1, 2019 | Novice
Kurent A fairytale creature that brings Spring It’s Carnival season all over the world. Venice has a world-renowned Carnival Feast. So does Rio. And Slovenes can’t be left behind in this matter. We decided to pay a visit to the oldest town in Slovenia and...
by Ervin Crnović | Nov 27, 2018 | Novice, Novice
It’s almost December, which means Christmas isn’t too far away; of course, as many know, Christmas isn’t all carols and presents. There’s also Krampus, the darker side of Christmas, who’s been gaining back popularity in our culture. Old World folklore is needed to...
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