ključne informacije
Razgibana pokrajina naše “kokoši” nam omogoča neskončne možnosti aktivnega udejstvovanja v naravi. Slovenija je super izbira za kolesarske navdušence – od začetnikov do dolgoprogašev, od cestnih herojev do adrenalinskih odvisnikov – vse to in še več najdete v Sloveniji.
Svoje kolesarske počitnice začinite z raziskovanjem zgodovine in geografskih značilnosti, uživajte v lokalnih kulinaričnih dobrotah in vrhunskih vinih in navsezadnje stkite prijateljstva, ki vas bodo spremljala celo življenje.
Za vas smo pripravili produkte, med katerimi boste zagotovo našli nekaj zase, za vašo družino ali prijatelje.
kaj imajo za povedati naše zadovoljne stranke
” It was really great fun and can be quite full of adrenaline if you choose to go fast. We went to the cottage in the valley by day so we could see beautiful scenery of the mountains and returned by night with the lights. Matija is nice and experienced, I highly recommend it! “
“We did a tour from Kranjska Gora to Tamar and back and it was awesome. Matija is an experienced guide who took care of everything, bikes, lights, helmets, good spirit… I would for sure do it again and would also recommend it to anyone. At least some level of fitness is required if you want to enjoy the experience.“
“It was a great experience from start to finish! Tamar was really beautiful in the evening light, so i recommend to visit it this way. Overall, a great time with friends and a must try!”
Pole Dance: A Unique Culinary Tradition in Slavic Lands
Today, we delve into a fascinating tradition that may surprise you—the "pole dance." No, we're not talking about the gravity-defying acrobatics you might be imagining. In the world of Slavic cuisine, pole dance takes on a whole new meaning—one that involves succulent...
Phone: +386 40 438 363
Email: info@bes.tours
BESTours, turistična agencija, d.o.o.
Cesta železarjev 8
4270 Jeseniceia, EU
VAT: SI87972573
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